Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today's News.....

Well it may be news depends on your view......

On the dark side of F1 news, Max Mosley, he of F1 racing car fame, says the News Of The World (UK newspaper) had taken his dignity and hurt his family by revealing his attendance at a sado-masochistic party. Apparently Mosley had been "doing this for forty five years and there had never been a hint and nobody knew."Apparently, Mosley, president of the International Automobile Federation, said he was ,"outraged." He added: "It's not even talked about outside the circle. Nobody knew. My closest friends didn't know. My wife didn't know.

"The fact that that had worked so well... made me feel confident."

Well, my take on this is that if he didn't want people to know, why did he attend this kind of party?

On the bright side of F1 news, Louis Hamilton, the youngest world champion driver, received his MBE, from Her Majesty The Queen. Louis said he was ,"humbled by the massive honour" .

What a difference in behaviour by two members of the racing fraternity.

Well done Louis!!

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