So the BBC hope they have drawn a line under the Brand/Ross Radio 2 debacle.
Brand and Ms. Douglas (Head of Radio 2) have fallen on their swords. I suppose they think that's honourable thing to do. They needn't have done that if they had acted in an honourable manner in the first place!!
Ross will no doubt be back in 12 weeks spouting his usual rubbish for the consumption of toilet humour loving juveniles, probably mocking the BBC and their ineffectual ban.
I notice all the "radio chavs" who support Brand & Ross say they were expanding the boundaries of broadcasting, whatever that may mean. Total rubbish and totally not acceptable in my living room and using my licence fee contributions!!
Is this the final straw? Should the government cancel the funding of the BBC by licence fee? Should the BBC be given a whole new remit instead of trying to compete with commercial radio and television? Do the government still need a national television service? Or should we let the BBC degenerate into the kind of service expounded in the film "The Running Man".
9 years ago
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